Press Releases

Kuster Visits Speare Memorial Hospital to Discuss Efforts to Improve Health Care Delivery

Plymouth, NH – Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) visited Speare Memorial Hospital to tour the facility and hear from hospital leadership and community partners about the hospital’s work and strengthening rural healthcare. This visit is part of Kuster’s hospital and health care listening tour, which she launched in February. Kuster has advocated for bolstering rural healthcare and facilities throughout the second district since she first entered office in 2013.

“It was great to see Speare Memorial Hospital and learn more about their incredible work on behalf of Granite Staters,” said Rep . Kuster. “In rural areas like Plymouth, it can be very difficult for people to get the health care they need, and today’s conversation further illustrated the importance of ensuring health centers like Speare have adequate resources and support. I look forward to bringing their insights back to Washington as I work with my colleagues to ensure all Americans, regardless of zip code, have access to quality, affordable health care.”  

“On behalf of our patients, staff and leadership, we’d like to thank Congresswoman Kuster for visiting Speare Memorial Hospital to share her insights on what is happening in Washington and hear from those of us on the front lines of health care in rural America,” said Michelle McEwen, CEO of Speare Memorial Hospital. “We sincerely appreciate her long-standing leadership, commitment and support of the unique challenges of rural health care, especially the role that Critical Access Hospitals play as the safety net for our patients and communities.”

Kuster has been vocal about the need to make improvements to the Affordable Care Act and has put forward solutions to improve access to affordable health care. Her legislation, the Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Actpassed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support in May. As a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Kuster will highlight the perspective of people in New Hampshire as she works to lower costs and increase access to health care.
