Press Releases

Bipartisan solutions to the opioid epidemic

Dear Friend,                                 

Finding Bipartisan Solutions to Curb the Opioid Epidemic

I was pleased to hold a roundtable discussion with my Bipartisan Opioid Task Force co-chair Rep. Fitzpatrick on Tuesday as we sat down with the top White House official for drug policy, Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Jim Carroll; N.H. Department of Corrections Commissioner Helen Hanks, and administration and law enforcement officials. We discussed our criminal justice system and how Congress and law enforcement can work together to curb the opioid epidemic in Granite State communities. Discussions like this are crucial to creating commonsense policy solutions that will help our communities thrive. I look forward to our task force’s continued work to fight this crisis. You can watch our full discussion here.

At the Opioid Task Force Roundtable. Watch here.

Removing Barriers to Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Yesterday, I reintroduced the Road to Recovery Act with Representative Brian Fitzpatrick, my co-chair on the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force, and Representative Stephanie Murphy. It is unacceptable that some of our most vulnerable Americans – including children, people with disabilities and those with limited incomes – who are enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP are not able to access the substance use disorder treatment they need. This legislation aims to remove the barriers that are in place and help ensure those who are struggling with addiction have access to the care they need, benefiting the health of our communities and the economic wellbeing of our state.

Protecting New Hampshire Communities from PFAS Chemicals

On Wednesday, my legislation, the Protecting Communities from New PFAS Act, passed in the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The wellbeing of Granite Staters and families nationwide is at risk due to the proliferation of PFAS chemicals. This legislation is an important step towards reducing the number of PFAS chemicals entering our environment and ensuring people in New Hampshire and across the country have access to clean, safe drinking water.

I’m pleased the committee also passed legislation that will help protect communities from gas explosions like the September 2018 Merrimack Valley tragedy just across our border. This comprehensive bill advances numerous pipeline safety measures and reinstitutes important gas leak prevention provisions that will improve air quality and public health.

Speaking in support of my PFAS Legislation. Watch here.

Building a Clean Energy Economy

Yesterday, I joined my colleagues to co-sponsor the 100% Clean Energy Economy Act of 2019, which would set a nationwide goal of achieving a 100 percent clean energy economy by 2050. Building a clean energy economy is a critical part of combating climate change, which is one of the most daunting challenges of our time. This legislation will put our country on the path towards a sustainable future, improve public health, and strengthen our economy while creating green jobs. The time to act on climate change is now, and I’m pleased to help introduce this measure that will usher in much-needed change.

Raising Pay for Our Troops

On Tuesday, I voted in favor of a continuing resolution (CR) introduced by House Democrats to extend government funding through December 20th. The House has passed nearly all our FY 2020 appropriations bills and it’s unacceptable that Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have failed to act on our funding measures. While the process is clearly broken, I am encouraged that we were able to make good on the promise to our men and women in uniform by including a pay raise for those who defend our nation. We also prevented a devastating cut to highway funding which is critical to maintaining and improving our aging infrastructure. I urge the Senate to act on this legislation swiftly.

Protecting Employees at EPA

I joined Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone and Representative Paul D. Tonko in leading a bipartisan group of 228 Members of Congress calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to negotiate in good faith with union representatives at the EPA during the ongoing labor dispute. In our letter, we raised concerns about reports of unfair labor practices and other troubling efforts to undermine career civil servants and union representatives. My colleagues and I strongly urge EPA’s management to return to the bargaining table with union representatives, and we request timely and continuous updates regarding ongoing negotiations. 

Improving Maternal Health Care in Rural Communities

I was proud to kick off Rural Health Day yesterday by voicing my support for the Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act. Far too often, mothers and moms-to-be in rural communities across New Hampshire struggle to access the care they need to raise a healthy family. This bill would help ease this burden by improving maternal health care delivery for families across rural America. I was pleased to join my colleagues to pass this vital legislation through the Energy and Commerce Committee this week in an important step toward improving the lives of Granite State parents and parents nationwide.

Speaking in favor of the Maternal Health Quality Improvement Act. Watch here.

Here for You

Please continue to reach out to my office with any questions, concerns or thoughts you want to share with me - I love hearing from you! Thank you for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to call home. Have a great weekend!
