Press Releases

Kuster Statement on President Trump’s Proposed Budget

**Proposal would slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency, Health and Human Services**

**Proposal also includes opioid funding**

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on President Trump’s budget proposal. The President’s proposal includes a 31% cut to the Environmental Protection Agency, a 12% cut to the Department of Health and Human Services, and a 15% cut to the Department of Agriculture. The budget would also slash funding for Medicare and eliminate Medicaid expansion. In addition, the budget includes resources to combat the opioid epidemic, a continuation of funding advocated for by Kuster, as the founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force, and the New Hampshire delegation.

“This irresponsible budget proposal eliminates vital support for many of the most vulnerable Americans,” said Kuster. “The President’s dramatic cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency come at time when we’ve already seen a decline in the enforcement of federal environmental regulations. We’ve seen the impact of water contamination in communities throughout New Hampshire and a reduction in resources for the agency charged with protecting the drinking water of our children and families just doesn’t make sense.”

“While I’m encouraged that this proposal includes resources to combat the opioid epidemic, which I helped to champion as the founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force, eliminating Medicaid Expansion and reducing access to affordable healthcare will undermine efforts to get individuals suffering from substance use disorder the treatment and support they need,” Kuster continued. “The President has also put forward cuts to Medicare, which provides healthcare services to more than 280,000 Granite Staters. The President should reconsider these draconian cuts that will only hurt those most in need. I will work with my colleagues to develop a responsible budget that puts the needs of hardworking Granite State families first.”
