Press Releases

Kuster Speaks in Support of Paid Sick Leave During Public Health Emergencies

Watch Rep. Kuster speak on the House floor here

Last night, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) spoke on the House floor in support of legislation that would provide paid sick days to workers affected by the coronavirus outbreak and future public health emergencies. Rep. Kuster is a cosponsor of the legislation, which builds off the Healthy Families Act, and would enable workers to accumulate seven days of paid sick leave and require employers to grant an additional 14 days of sick leave for workers affected by the coronavirus outbreak or future public health emergencies.

“A lack of paid sick leave hinders and complicates our ability to address public health emergencies such as coronavirus,” said Kuster. “In my conversations with constituents, a recurring theme for many is concern over a lack of access to paid sick leave in the face of this public health crisis. We need this legislation so Americans can follow the directives of public health officials and stay home when they are feeling ill.”

In addition to requiring employers to provide paid sick leave to their employees, this legislation also ensures that that leave covers days when a worker’s child’s school is closed due to a public health emergency, when an employer is closed because of a public health emergency, or if a worker/worker’s family member is quarantined due to a public health emergency.

Watch Rep. Kuster speak on the House floor here or read below:

Thank you Madame Chair. Last night, I was so pleased to hold a telephone town hall with my colleague Representative Chris Pappas, New Hampshire public health officials and over 10,000 Granite Staters to provide an update on the coronavirus.

I continue to hear from constituents who are concerned, and a recurring theme for many is a lack of access to paid sick leave, which complicates our ability to address this public health crisis.

When faced with an illness or medical issue, many Americans face a challenging decision to put their job and their income at risk, or risk their health and the health of their colleagues and their community.

I’m proud to support my colleague Rosa DeLauro’s legislation to expand access to paid sick leave, so that workers are able to follow the directives of public health officials and stay home from work when they are feeling ill.

As Congress continues to address policies to protect the American people against the spread of coronavirus, I urge consideration of this important bill. Thank you and I yield back.
