Press Releases

Video Release: Kuster Blasts Republican Healthcare Bill On House Floor

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) took to the House floor to blast the Republican healthcare bill, the American Health Care Act, urging her House colleagues to vote “no” on the legislation.

You can watch her full remarks here.

“The Republican healthcare bill is wrong for New Hampshire and wrong for America,” said Congresswoman Kuster following her remarks. “This reckless legislation will increase costs, limit access, and cover fewer Americans. It will jeopardize access to health insurance for thousands of Granite Staters and millions of Americans, including seven million veterans. I strongly urge my colleagues to oppose this bill and vote ‘no’.”

Congresswoman Kuster has been a vocal opponent of the American Health Care Act, which it is estimated would kick 24 million Americans, including more than 65,000 Granite Staters off their health insurance by 2026. She has time and time again urged her Republican colleagues to work in a bipartisan manner on reforms that can improve the Affordable Care Act for all Americans.
