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NH Primary Source: Kuster in attendance as Trump signs VA bill

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ATTENDS BILL SIGNING. U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster on Wednesday joined members of the House Veterans Affairs Committee at the White House for the signing of the “VA MISSION Act” by President Donald Trump.

Kuster, ranking member of the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, was a cosponsor of the bill. The new law “will reauthorize and improve the VA Choice Program and enhance community care programs within the VA,” according to Kuster’s office.

“Veterans in New Hampshire face unique challenges in access to care, and this bill will increase the number of veterans who are able to receive care in their community through the Choice Program,” Kuster said. “Support for our veterans is not a partisan issue and I’m glad that we were able to work together on the VA Committee to advance this legislation that will improve services at the VA for the men and women who have served our nation in uniform.”