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Medals awarded to man who spent years in N. Korean POW camp

HUDSON, N.H. —For nearly three years, John Ekenbarger was held captive as a prisoner of war in North Korea. On Friday, he was honored for his service with his family by his side.

Ekenbarger was 19 when he was captured and sent to a prison camp, where he would spend two years, nine months and 14 days.

"Rather than wilt under the grueling stress of being held as a POW, John remained resolute," U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, D-N.H., said. "He remained true to himself and to his brothers-in-arms."

Now 84, Ekenbarger moves a little slower than he used to, but he still remembers the day the telegram was sent to his family telling them he was coming home.

"Unbelievable," he said. "This can't be happening. You know, that's the way you feel."

Kuster gave Ekenbarger medals he earned during his service. He said he was glad the ceremony gave his family a reason to be together.

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