Press Releases

Kuster Statement on President Trump's Decision to End ACA Cost-Sharing Reduction Payments

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on President Trump's decision to end cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments under the Affordable Care Act (ACA):

"This deliberate effort by President Trump to destroy the ACA is going to have devastating consequences for real people and families in New Hampshire and across the country. Ending cost-sharing reduction payments will spike premiums at a time when we should be working to reduce costs and expand access to care. There is support among both Republicans and Democrats for continuing these payments and for measures such as reinsurance programs that would help to stabilize the individual marketplace and rein in costs, but President Trump is hell-bent on undermining, not fixing the ACA.  Sadly, President Trump's damaging executive order will make working together across the aisle to improve our healthcare system all the more difficult."
