Press Releases

Kuster Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Undermining the Affordable Care Act

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on President Trump’s executive order undermining the Affordable Care Act:

“President Trump’s announcement today sadly continues to take us in the wrong direction on health care. During the last several months, I have been encouraged by conversations with both Republicans and Democrats about how we can address the ongoing challenges with the Affordable Care Act.  I believe that there are areas where we can all agree on solutions to fix issues faced by some Americans. Today’s executive order simply reverts back to the failed repeal and replace mantra. This executive order will result in higher costs to consumers and less access to health care for Granite State families. I will continue to work with my Democratic and Republican colleagues to look for commonsense solutions to stabilize the individual marketplace and strengthen our health care system.”

Kuster has been vocal about the need for Republicans and Democrats to work across the aisle to make meaningful reforms to the healthcare system. Earlier this year, Kuster helped unveil a five-part plan to improve upon the Affordable Care Act and stabilize the individual marketplace.
