Press Releases

Kuster Statement on CBO Score of Senate Republican’s Healthcare Bill

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score of the Senate Republican’s Healthcare Bill which found that 22 million Americans would lose insurance by 2026:

“This analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office shows that the Senate Republican’s healthcare bill would be as harmful as the one passed by the House earlier this year. Jeopardizing access to healthcare for thousands of Granite Staters and millions of Americans is simply unacceptable. We know that reforms are necessary to improve the Affordable Care Act but the legislation being pursued by Congressional Republicans is reckless and would hurt middle class Americans, all so that the most wealthy can get a giant tax break. I’m committed to working across the aisle to make real progress on improving our healthcare system because the stakes are too high for inaction. I hope that this most recent analysis will encourage my Republican colleagues to come to the table to work on real solutions for people in New Hampshire and across the country.”
