Press Releases

Kuster Statement on Decision by House Republicans to Postpone a Vote on the American Health Care Act

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the decision by House Republicans to delay a vote on the American Health Care Act:

“The decision by House leadership to postpone the vote on the American Health Care Act underscores the serious problems with the legislation. This bill would kick millions of Americans off their health insurance, increase costs, and lower quality of care. It’s wrong for New Hampshire and it’s wrong for our country. It would hurt our efforts to address the opioid epidemic. It would allow insurers to charge people 50 years of age and older up to five time the amount of younger Americans for the same level of care. Amazingly, just last night, a provision was added that would have jeopardized the health insurance of seven million veterans. I’m hopeful that Republicans will choose to no longer pursue this failed piece of legislation and will instead come to the table in good faith to work toward improving healthcare for all Americans.”
