Press Releases

Kuster Statement on Senate Vote to Advance Misguided Republican Healthcare Bill

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the Senate vote to advance debate on the Republican healthcare bill:

“It’s disappointing that Senate Republicans would ignore the overwhelming voice of the American people who want to see Congress work together to improve our healthcare delivery system,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “The various Republican healthcare bills all have one thing in common: they would be a disaster for New Hampshire and the country. They would raise costs and threaten access to care for thousands of Granite Staters, strip protections for people with preexisting conditions, and jeopardize our response to the opioid epidemic. The Affordable Care Act has its challenges but we should be working together, Republicans and Democrats, to fix these issues to expand access to care and lower costs.”

Earlier this month, Kuster and nine House Democrats from across the political spectrum unveiled a five-part plan to improve upon the Affordable Care Act and stabilize the individual marketplace.
