Press Releases

Kuster Releases Statement Condemning House Bill That Attacks Women’s Health Care

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) issued the following statement condemning the latest attack on women’s health care by Tea Party extremists. Kuster has proudly supported pro-choice policies since she first took office, and today she voted against HR 3495, the Women’s Public Health and Safety Act, which would exclude abortion providers from participating in Medicaid.

“I am proud to have spent many decades fighting to protect women’s access to health care services, and I am committed to protecting that right for women everywhere,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “It is deeply disturbing that extremist, ideological lawmakers in Congress want to threaten health care access for millions of women who depend on Medicaid for basic medical services. This dangerous legislation would take away patient choice of providers and unfairly hurt women who access care through Medicaid. Federal law already prohibits federal funds from covering abortions, making this bill nothing more than a cynical ploy that attacks women and their families. It’s long past time to stop the partisan bickering and quit playing games with women’s health.”
