Press Releases

Kuster Votes to Defend ACA from Partisan Attack

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined a bipartisan group of her colleagues in taking action to protect access to affordable healthcare for Granite Staters by passing a resolution to help prevent Republican efforts to dismantle the entirety of the Affordable Care Act, including a crucial provision that ensure access to healthcare for tens of thousands of people in New Hampshire with pre-existing conditions. The resolution empowers the House Counsel to intervene as a party on behalf of the United States in Texas v. U.S., a Republican-led lawsuit which seeks to strike down the Affordable Care Act and its life-saving protections.

“The American people expect Congress to protect access to quality, affordable healthcare, and put an end to the bitter partisan attacks on their care,” said Kuster. “Tonight we gave Congress the tools it needs to defend the healthcare of hard-working families in New Hampshire and across the country. There is much bipartisan work we can do to improve the Affordable Care Act but we cannot allow the law to be undermined and dismantled at the expense of the most vulnerable Americans. I will continue to fight against partisan efforts to destroy the ACA and look for opportunities to improve healthcare for all.”

In December, a federal district court judge in Texas ruled in favor of Republicans, issuing a stayed decision that would strike down the entirety of the Affordable Care Act, including:

•             Protections for people with pre-existing conditions;

•             The ban on lifetime and annual limits on health coverage;

•             The Medicaid expansion covering 15 million Americans;

•             Health insurance affordability tax credits assisting 9 million Americans;

•             Bans on discriminatory insurance practices that force women to pay more for coverage;

•             Young adults’ ability to remain on their parents’ insurance until age 26, and more.
