Press Releases

Kuster Statement on Revised Senate Republicans’ Healthcare Bill

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the unveiling of a revised healthcare bill by Senate Republicans:

“The revisions offered by Senate Republicans today do nothing to address the fact that their bill would be a disaster for New Hampshire and threaten the healthcare of thousands of Granite Staters and millions of Americans,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “The American people do not want to see protections for people with pre-existing conditions eliminated and we know that gutting Medicaid will jeopardize our response to the national opioid epidemic. Just yesterday, I was part of a group of likeminded Democrats to announce commonsense proposals to improve our healthcare delivery system, to lower costs and expand access to care. I urge my Republican colleagues to abandon their single-minded focus on repealing the Affordable Care Act and instead begin looking for commonsense, bipartisan ways to improve the law. Working together may not always be easy, but it’s what the American people expect of Congress.”

Yesterday, a group of House Democrats from across the political spectrum unveiled a five-part plan to improve upon the Affordable Care Act and stabilize the individual marketplace.

The plan, titled Solutions over Politics, seeks to stabilize the individual market while protecting plans for people with pre-existing conditions, keeping costs down for lower income folks, promoting enrollment and ensuring everyone pays their fair share. The plan also calls for improvements to the ACA including ways to reduce churn in the market and drawing bidding areas to ensure that rural areas aren’t left at a disadvantage.
