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Kuster Observes Confusion Over Reuniting Families At Texas Immigration Facility

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New Hampshire Congresswoman Annie Kuster joined Democratic delegation that toured immigration control facilities in Texas over the weekend.

The group met with over 40 mothers who were separated from their children, and who are now being detained as a result of the president's recent immigration policies.

Kuster says she observed a lot of confusion among enforcement officers at the detention center who are unsure of how the families would be reunited.

"When we asked about the implementation of the new executive order this week, we were told that they would need further guidance," Kuster says. "They do not have direction on how to go about this family reunification and not separating families."

The lawmakers also reported the facilities they toured used quote "makeshift cages” made of chain link fencing to hold people.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security says there is a coordinated process in place to reunite families and that the government knows the location of the more than 2,000 children in its custody.