Press Releases

Kuster Calls for Negotiation of Volume Discount for Prescription Drugs by Medicare

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, highlighted the need for Medicare to negotiate a volume discount for prescription drugs to lower costs for seniors and taxpayers. At the Subcommittee hearing titled, “Payment Policy for Prescription Drugs under Medicare Part B and Part D” Kuster questioned Dr. James E Mathews, Ph.D. the Executive Director, MedPAC about the impact of negotiation on drug prices. MedPAC advises congress on issues impacting the Medicare program. 

“The prices that Granite Staters are paying for prescription drugs are simply unacceptable, and frankly, unsustainable,” said Kuster. “Congress must act to bring down these costs so that seniors in New Hampshire and across the country are not forced to choose between their prescription drugs and other necessities like housing and food. Medicare should negotiate a volume discount with pharmaceutical companies to ensure seniors and taxpayers are getting the best price possible. I’m excited by the work the Energy and Commerce Committee is doing to address the costs of prescription drugs and healthcare and look forward to continuing to improve access to affordable care for all Americans.”

Kuster has been vocal about the need to reduce the costs of prescription drugs and has called for the direct negotiation of Medicare Part D with pharmaceutical companies to reduce prices. Kuster has made clear the need to make improvements to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and has put forward solutions to improve access to affordable healthcare. On the Energy and Commerce Committee, she has called out the Trump Administration for sabotaging the ACA and highlighted the potential impact of President Trump’s policies on individuals with pre-existing conditions like Bodhi Bhattarai of Contoocook, New Hampshire. Her legislation the Protecting Americans with Pre-existing Conditions Act has cleared the full Energy and Commerce Committee.
