Press Releases

House Passes Legislation to Condemn Efforts to Dismantle the Affordable Care Act

Today, the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 271 to condemn the Trump Administration’s actions in Texas v. United States as it moves to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which ensures access to healthcare for thousands of people across New Hampshire living with pre-existing conditions. Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted in favor of the resolution, which would push back against the Administration’s efforts to eliminate the entire Affordable Care Act.

“The American people elected a Congress that will protect access to quality, affordable healthcare, not launch partisan attacks against the Affordable Care Act,” said Kuster. “Today, the House voted to defend health protections for families in the Granite State and across the country. There is much bipartisan work we can do to improve the Affordable Care Act but we cannot stand by and let the law be undermined and dismantled at the expense of the most vulnerable Americans.”

Texas v. United States is a lawsuit led by Republican state attorneys general and governors. It seeks to strike down the Affordable Care Act and the life-saving protections it provides to millions of Americans. Rep. Kuster has previously voted to protect the ACA and condemned partisan attempts to dismantle it.
