Catching Up with Annie

My Opportunity and Justice for All Agenda

Dear Friend,


Addressing Injustice


Our nation has a long, painful history of racial inequality and injustice that touches nearly every aspect of our society. From health disparities and a lack of access to affordable housing to police brutality and disproportionate numbers of Black Americans killed at the hands of law enforcement -- injustice is pervasive throughout our communities, and we must work to address it. You can read theop-edI wrote for the Concord Monitor about moving toward justice for allhere.


This week, I unveiled myOpportunity and Justice for All Agenda, which outlines legislation that I am supporting to help our nation overcome our past, dismantle inequalities that permeate our culture and create a more just society for all Americans. No single piece of legislation can erase the injustices so many marginalized communities face or our nation’s complicated history surrounding race, but by working together to solve our nation’s most pressing issues, we can form a more perfect union that establishes opportunity and justice for all. Take a look at my agendahere.



Conversation with Debby Irving

Talking with racial justice educator Debby Irving.Watch here.



On Tuesday, I was joined by racial justice educator Debby Irving for animportant discussionabout the roots of our own racial biases and privilege, as well as the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on communities of color. These conversations are crucial as we work to make our nation a better, more equitable place for all Americans.



Prioritizing the Mental Health of Americans During this Crisis


In New Hampshire, where we have seen firsthand the devastation of the opioid epidemic, we now face the additional unique stressors of the public health and economic crises COVID-19 has presented. On Tuesday, my Energy and Commerce Committee colleagues and Iheard from mental health expertsas weexplored legislative solutionsthat prioritize the mental health of Americans during a crisis.


We cannot lose ground on the progress we have made in combating the opioid epidemic and must provide our communities with the most appropriate and effective tools to combat both ongoing crises. Hearings like this one are critical to making progress on legislation that prioritizes mental health so we may continue to build on our work as we fight the opioid epidemic.


Expanding Passenger Rail


Yesterday,the House passed H.R. 2, theMoving Forward Act,to improve America’s infrastructure. I’m proud this legislation includes critical provisions from my bipartisan bill, theInvest in American Railroads Act,which will make it easier for New Hampshire to fund the Capitol Corridor project to bring commuter rail to our state.


In New Hampshire, commuter rail would be a gamechanger, helping to spur economic competitiveness and preventing Granite Staters from needlessly spending hours in traffic. TheMoving Forward Actwill ensure that our nation is adequately investing in our infrastructure to build a smarter, safer, and more resilient America. This legislation will make critical improvements to our health care system, broadband access, and more. I will continue working to secure funding to expand commuter rail and upgrade our infrastructure in the Granite State.



Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions and Lowering Health Care Costs


This week, the House passed thePatient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Actto lower the cost of health insurance premiums, expand health care access, allow for drug price negotiations, and strengthen protections for Americans with preexisting conditions. This legislation included my bill, theProtecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act (H.R. 986).


For nearly a decade, the Affordable Care Act has been protecting Americans with preexisting conditions who had been denied access to health insurance or charged more for coverage in the past. As the Trump Administration continues working to sabotage the Affordable Care Act and strip access to care from millions, I am glad to see this legislation pass the House in a crucial step to protect every American’s right to quality, affordable health care while addressing racial and ethnic disparities that have failed far too many. I will continue my work to strengthen and improve access to quality, affordable insurance for Granite Staters and folks nationwide.



News You Can Use


This weekend, as we celebrate July 4th,it’s important to wear a maskand keep a safe distance from othersat public gatherings. While our state has done a good job of keeping this virus under control, we are not out of the woods yet and we must continue working to keep each other safe and prevent a spike in COVID-19 cases. Wearing a cloth mask when you are in public is a simple, very effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


Between now and July 12, the New Hampshire National Guard is hiring over 100 individualsfor an opportunity to live, learn and serve in New Hampshire communities while earning a 100% tuition waiver to one of New Hampshire's schools. For more information, visit:


While the state moratorium on evictions ended yesterday,there is assistance availablethrough the New Hampshire Housing Relief Program if you are facing eviction or are having trouble paying your utility bills because of COVID-19. If you need help, please call 211,, or visit one of the five regional CAP agencies around the state.


COVID-19 tests are now available to all Granite Staters,and all New Hampshire residents are encouraged to get a test. To sign up for a COVID-19 test,click here.


As always, theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)and theNew Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH DHHS)are the best resources to turn to during the COVID-19 public health emergency.


Remember:Keep calm and wash your hands, and wear a mask while keeping your distance from others when you are out in public.If you are sick, stay home and call your health care provider. If you live in NH and have questions about coronavirus, dial 2-1-1. VisitCDC.govfor more information.


Have a wonderful and safe July 4th!




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