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U.S. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster, D-NH, has helped introduce the Boosting Rates of American Veteran Employment (BRAVE) Act to encourage the hiring of veterans and to support businesses that employ them, according to a press statement.

The legislation will allow the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to give priority to businesses that employ veterans when awarding Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) contracts.

“Our service members make great sacrifices to serve our country, including often putting their civilian careers on hold,” she said. “When they return to civilian life, veterans should have the training and access to job opportunities that allow them to pursue their interests and follow their dreams. That’s why I was proud to help introduce this bill, which will encourage the hiring of veterans and help reduce veteran unemployment across the country.”

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the unemployment rate among veterans who have served since 9/11 is almost 8%. The BRAVE Act would provide employers who are vying for VA contracts with an incentive to hire more veterans. Congresswoman Kuster has been a strong advocate for increased job opportunities for veterans, and she held a Veterans Jobs and Resources Fair in August 2014 to connect local veterans with employment and services. She has also pushed for legislation to increase federal contracting opportunities for veteran-owned small businesses.

Kuster has served on the U.S. House Veterans’ Affairs Committee since taking office in 2013. Last year, Kuster helped oversee an investigation on the mismanagement scandals at the Phoenix VA and other VA medical centers around the country. She was recently selected to serve as the Ranking Member of the Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. The daughter of a WWII veteran, Kuster has long advocated for the needs of New Hampshire veterans, and she frequently holds veteran roundtables, forums, and job fairs for Granite State veterans.