Press Releases

NH Delegation Announces $628K for NH to Support Family-Based Programs & Services for Incarcerated Parents with Young Children

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), the Vice Chair of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee that funds the Department of Justice (DOJ), announced with U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) that DOJ awarded $628,472 to the New Hampshire Department of Justice through funding from the Office of Justice Programs. The funding will be used to strengthen and expand mental health and family support services in detention and correctional facilities to incarcerated parents with children younger than the age of 18. By increasing access to services that support their needs, the funding will help improve communication between inmates and their families, promote a successful reentry into society and reduce recidivism rates following their release.

“We need to support programs that will help prisoners reenter society and become productive members of the community,” said Senator Shaheen. “It’s also vital that we do a better job of supporting children of inmates while their parent is behind bars. I’m pleased to announce this funding, which will bolster and expand services for incarcerated parents and their children, addressing their needs and boosting the chances of a successful transition once they are released. I’ll continue to fight for funding that supports New Hampshire’s criminal justice system in the Senate.”

“I am pleased to announce this federal grant to the New Hampshire Department of Justice, which will help children connect with their incarcerated parents,” Senator Hassan said. “These federal dollars will make a big difference for families across New Hampshire, and I will keep working to support programs that help formerly incarcerated Granite Staters successfully reenter their communities.”

“Preparing inmates for reentry into society and reducing recidivism is not only the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do,” said Representative Kuster. “By investing in the health and wellbeing of incarcerated individuals and their families, we are helping put these families on the path to success, which benefits Granite State communities and our economy. I’m glad to help announce this important funding, and I will continue working to ensure people who are justice-involved have the resources and support they need to rebuild and have a healthy second chance at life.”

“I am pleased the New Hampshire Department of Justice has received a Second Chance Act Grant which will help countless Granite Staters change their lives for the better. This federal funding allows our state and county correctional facilities to establish a system for incarcerated parents to communicate and interact with their children as they prepare to reenter society. Our community is stronger when families are given a second chance to reestablish themselves and to build stable and productive lives,” said Representative Pappas.
