Press Releases

Kuster Tours Project to Expand Affordable Housing in the North Country

Bethlehem, NH - Today, Rep. Kuster toured the AHEAD Bethlehem Workforce Housing project at Lloyd’s Hills in Bethlehem, NH. Lloyd’s Hills is the future location of 25 new affordable housing units in the North Country. This project, which was financed through Low Income Housing Tax Credits, will help alleviate the shortage of affordable housing in the North Country. The visit builds on Congresswoman Kuster’s recent conversations with housing advocates and realtors last week to learn more about how the pandemic is affecting the housing market in New Hampshire.

“I am excited to see the progress Affordable Housing, Education and Development (AHEAD) is making to ensure all Granite Staters can afford a place to call home,” said Rep. Kuster. “The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced my belief that the federal government must do more to support projects, like this one in Bethlehem, that expand the housing stock here in New Hampshire. AHEAD’s past projects, including the Friendship House, have strengthened the community in the North Country and I have no doubt that the Lloyd’s Hills project will build on that track record of success.”

Rep. Kuster is a cosponsor of H.R. 3077, Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act, which would increase the number of Low Income Housing Tax Credits New Hampshire receives every year. Thanks in part to her support for the CARES Act, New Hampshire has received more than $70 million in federal funds to expand access to affordable housing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rep. Kuster has also called on Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring the HEROES Act, which the House passed in May and contains more than $180 billion in funding to help keep Americans in their homes during the pandemic, for a vote in the Senate.
