Press Releases

Kuster Again Calls For Passage of COVID-19 Relief Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) is renewing her call for the passage of a COVID-19 response package following the announcement of a bipartisan, bicameral proposal.

“Across New Hampshire, there is an urgent need for a bold response to the COVID-19 pandemic to address both the economic and health consequences of this crisis,” said Kuster. “I’ve spoken to small business owners, struggling individuals, health care providers, first responders as well as local leaders and the message is clear: the time for action is now. I am pleased to see a bipartisan framework that will provide relief for American families, and I hope this step will pave the way for passage of a comprehensive package this month.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has caused immeasurable hardship and harm across our nation,” Kuster continued. “Nearly 270,000 Americans have died – including over 500 Granite Staters – more than 13.5 million have been infected, and tens of millions are out of work and facing dire economic circumstances. It’s been over six months since we passed the HEROES Act in the House to provide comprehensive relief to Granite Staters and Americans across the country, and Senate Republicans still have failed to act. The time for action is now.”

Rep. Kuster voted for the HEROES Act in May, and for an updated version of the legislation in October. Kuster has repeatedly called for bipartisan action to deliver relief to New Hampshire, and she spoke on the House floor recently to call on congressional leadership to reach a compromise and pass a COVID-19 relief package.
