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Nashua Telegraph: Partnerships between students and employers discussed at roundtable meeting with Congresswoman Annie Kuster

Partnerships between students and employers discussed at roundtable meeting with Congresswoman Annie Kuster

Matching the need for skilled workers from the state’s manufacturers with job seekers was the topic of conversation for a panel discussion with Congresswoman Annie Kuster that took place Thursday at Omni Components in Hudson. The event, billed as a 21st Century Workforce Roundtable, featured representatives from New Hampshire companies who spoke about techniques that were working for their firms and shared how those techniques could be improved.

The workforce environment is improving for the state’s young people, but many remain unaware of the existing opportunities that are available to them.

Among those opportunities are tuition-free courses offered to as many as 2,000 students who enroll in a core advanced manufacturing certificate program. The courses are offered through the Advanced Manufacturing Partnerships in Education initiative, which brings together the state’s seven community colleges, manufacturers, and state agencies to increase the state’s skilled workforce. The initiative is managed by the Community College System of New Hampshire.

“I think we have such a blessing here in that we have openings for people who need jobs and we have people who need jobs to fill those openings and we now have a mechanism through the community college and our partnerships with industry partners to make sure that those people have the skills,” said Desiree Crossley, marketing coordinator for Advanced Manufacturing Partnerships in Education, which is managed through the Community College System of New Hampshire.

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