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Nashua Telegraph: Nashua Airport tower closure can’t be stopped by city footing the bill for controllers, mayor says

Nashua Airport tower closure can’t be stopped by city footing the bill for controllers, mayor says

The Nashua mayor joined U.S. Rep. Anne Kuster at a press conference next door to the tower at Boire Airfield. Both women contended there’s still a lot of work to do to keep the tower open before Sunday’s deadline hits and said they would work with the rest of the New Hampshire delegation to try to prevent it from happening.

NASHUA – The Nashua Municipal Airport can’t count on the city to come to the rescue to stop the impending closure of the air traffic control tower slated for this weekend, Mayor Donnalee Lozeau said Wednesday afternoon.

The Nashua mayor joined U.S. Rep. Anne Kuster at a press conference next door to the tower at Boire Airfield. Both women contended there’s still a lot of work to do to keep the tower open before Sunday’s deadline hits and said they would work with the rest of the New Hampshire delegation to try to prevent it from happening.

“I think it’s clearly an issue of safety that we’re all concerned about, No. 1,” Kuster, a Democrat, said. “And No. 2, the economic impact with loss of jobs right here, but more importantly the broader impact.”

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