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Union Leader: Kuster calls on Democrats, Republicans to do their jobs, end sequestration

Kuster calls on Democrats, Republicans to do their jobs, end sequestration

Democratic U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster said Friday her colleagues in both political parties should be working all weekend on a bipartisan plan to avoid automatic cuts rather than “going home for a long weekend.”

Democratic U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster said Friday her colleagues in both political parties should be working all weekend on a bipartisan plan to avoid automatic cuts rather than “going home for a long weekend.”

Democratic U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster said Friday her colleagues in both political parties should be working all weekend on a bipartisan plan to avoid automatic cuts rather than "going home for a long weekend."

"Since Congress left town without passing a balanced deal to avoid the sequester, we now face the reality that these mindless, across-the-board spending cuts will actually take effect," she said in a statement.

"This is not what responsible governing looks like. Instead of going home for a long weekend, Republicans and Democrats should be working together on a balanced, bipartisan plan to stop these cuts that will hurt middle class families and businesses all across New Hampshire. I call on House leadership to reconvene Congress so we can do our job."

Kuster said that while Granite States "are doing their jobs" Friday, "It is simply unacceptable that Congress has once again failed to do the same.

"I remain hopeful that Republicans and Democrats will ultimately come together to replace these cuts with a balanced, bipartisan plan to reduce the deficit, grow the economy, and protect middle class New Hampshire families," Kuster said.