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Kuster joins House Rural Broadband Task Force

Group of Dem reps seeks to take on digital divide

New Hampshire Business Review, February 11, 2021

By Jeff Feingold

U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, D-2nd Dist., has joined the House Rural Broadband Task Force, a group of 27 House Democrats whose goal is to tackle the digital divide over the next three years.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for us to expand and ensure access to broadband in New Hampshire and across the country,” said Kuster. “As people continue to work from home, students attend school remotely, and patients are seen via telehealth appointments, it is critical that all Granite Staters have sufficient access to high-speed internet, regardless of their zip code.”

Among the task force’s legislative goals this session is the reintroduction of the Accessible, Affordable Internet For All Act, which would allocate $100 billion to broadband expansion while requiring providers to build in low-cost plans and report pricing data to the Federal Communications Commission.