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Nashua Telegraph: Kuster, new US reps aim for bipartisan fix

Nashua Telegraph: Kuster, new US reps aim for bipartisan fix

U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster joined with bipartisan colleagues to call upon House leaders to work with newly elected members of Congress to forge bipartisan agreement on the federal budget.

U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster joined with bipartisan colleagues to call upon House leaders to work with newly elected members of Congress to forge bipartisan agreement on the federal budget.

“Republican and Democrat alike, we were sent to Congress by voters frustrated with partisan gridlock and dysfunction,” the group wrote. “The people we represent demand and deserve better from their government, and we are committed to focusing on those areas of agreement that unite us – not re-fighting the same battles that have consumed the Congress in years past.”

Kuster, a Democrat, and congressman David Joyce, R-Ohio, said they hoped their letter would send a message to House leadership that their new class is committed to bipartisan problem solving.

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