Press Releases

Kuster Hosts Discussion on Child Tax Credit, Support for NH Families in COVID Relief Package

**The full conversation is available HERE**
**Rep. Kuster helped advance the Child Tax Credit provision in the Kuster-backed American Rescue Plan Act**


Concord, N.H. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) hosted a virtual discussion with New Hampshire Child Care providers, advocates, and officials on the Child Tax Credit provision of the American Rescue Plan that President Biden signed into law last week.


The Child Tax Credit provision of the American Rescue Plan Act would increase the tax break to $3,000 for every child age 6 to 17 and $3,600 for every child under the age of 6. This provision will lift 4 million children across the country out of poverty, directly impact more than 200,000 children in New Hampshire, and will be in effect for the next year.


“Ensuring a complete and rapid economic recovery for New Hampshire and our country goes hand in hand with recognizing the importance of child care for our nation’s workforce,” said Rep. Kuster. “Unless we address the urgent need for high-quality, accessible, and affordable child care, working mothers, fathers, and families will be left behind as we build back from this pandemic. That’s why I am thrilled for the Child Tax Credit provision of the American Rescue Plan Act, which President Biden signed into law last week. This transformative provision is a crucial step toward building a more resilient, more diverse economy and workforce, and I look forward to seeing its continued benefits for the Granite State.”


"The inclusion of and changes to the Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan will have a transformative effect for NH families,” said Christina D'Allesandro, MomsRising, Senior Campaign Director NH. “These changes translate to real dollars in pockets giving families the means to fix their cars when they break, better afford summer care for their children and put food on the table."


"This new child tax credit would be a game changer for my family,” said Korin Suarez-Soto, MomsRising member. “We would no longer be living paycheck-to-paycheck. These new funds would help us to find high quality child care and allow me to rejoin the workforce."


In Congress, Rep. Kuster is a strong advocate for American families and has been a consistent voice in the effort to deliver more assistance to working families during the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis. In March 2020, Kuster helped lead calls to prioritize families in the national response to COVID-19. In January, she introduced the Energy Debt Relief for American Families Act to help families stay connected to the services they need while preventing other ratepayers from ultimately paying off their debt. Last month, Kuster introduced the Community Immunity During COVID-19 Act to keep families safe, support local COVID-19 vaccination efforts, and reverse dangerous drops in vaccination rates for other life-saving immunizations for children and adults.

