Press Releases

NH Delegation Announces $350.5 Million to NH for School Funding in American Rescue Plan

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan, a member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Representative Annie Kuster, and Representative Chris Pappas announced today that through the American Rescue Plan, New Hampshire K-12 schools will receive $350,501,633 to help schools safely reopen and support students. The American Rescue Plan includes Senator Hassan’s amendment to require schools receiving these funds to develop and make public reopening plans, as well as dedicated funding that Senator Hassan helped secure for students who experience disabilities.


Ahead of First Lady Jill Biden’s visit to Christa McAuliffe School today, Senators Hassan and Shaheen met with the First Lady to discuss the importance of this funding. Upon Dr. Biden’s arrival at the school, Representative Kuster welcomed the First Lady to New Hampshire.

“Re-opening our schools safely and getting students back into classrooms is essential to our efforts to rebuild from this pandemic and get our New Hampshire economy back on track,” said Representative Kuster. "I’m proud to have advanced provisions in the American Rescue Plan Act which President Biden signed into law last week that will deliver critical funding for our schools, teachers, staff, and students. These federal funds will help to ensure that schools are safe, make up for lost learning due to COVID-19, and ensure our Granite State students continue to receive a high-quality education as we recover from this pandemic. I will continue working in Congress to ensure our NH schools, teachers, and staff have the resources they need to help our students get ahead.”


“Our kids need to get back to fully in-person learning as quickly and safely as possible, which is why we prioritized school funding as part of the American Rescue Plan,” said Senator Hassan. “This significant funding to New Hampshire will help ensure that schools have the resources that they need to get more kids back into the classroom full-time. It will also help address the learning loss, as well as the social and emotional challenges, that many have experienced over the last year. I am pleased that the First Lady gets to see firsthand today how hard our teachers and students are working during this time, and I know that this funding will be a big help for them.”


“The pandemic has been challenging for all of us, but our kids have really borne the brunt of this crisis. Many struggled with remote learning and were separated from their friends, teachers and classrooms, which foster a vital learning environment. Getting our kids safely back in school has been a top priority and was crucial during negotiations on the American Rescue Plan, which is why I’m so pleased to see these federal resources be distributed swiftly, with an estimated $350 million coming home to New Hampshire,” said Senator Shaheen. “The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on our education system has been all encompassing. We’ve seen our kids struggle with their mental health, parents juggle working and teaching from home, students fall through the cracks who don’t have requisite technology or access to broadband to learn remotely, educators and faculty worry about staying safe on the job and much more. For almost a year, I heard from New Hampshire parents, educators and faculty about the urgent need for funding to address these needs. I’m glad to share with them that help is on the way.”


“We know that the best place for all Granite State kids is back in the classroom,” said Representative Pappas. “That’s why a crucial component of the American Rescue Plan included significant funding to help schools reopen safely to full-time, in-person learning. Students, teachers, and staff have been through a year unlike any we’ve ever experienced before, and it has not been easy. I’m pleased that New Hampshire will be receiving $350 million to get kids back in school and ensure our teachers and staff remain safe as we come back from this pandemic.” 

