Press Releases

Kuster Advances Bipartisan Legislation To Support Health Care Providers in Energy and Commerce Committee Markup

**Rep. Kuster helped to introduce the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act, which passed the E&C Committee today**

**The full Committee markup is available HERE**

**Kuster’s full remarks are available HERE**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02), a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, voted to advance three bills she helped introduce during a full Committee markup. During the markup, Rep. Kuster spoke in support of H.R. 1667, the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act, legislation included in the Bipartisan Addiction and Mental Health Task Force’s 2021 Legislative Agenda.


“I have heard from health care workers across New Hampshire about the unimaginable burnout and fatigue they have experienced as they work to keep our communities safe during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Rep. Kuster. “Our doctors, nurses, and health care workers have been on the frontlines of this public health crisis — but they cannot do it alone. The Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act, advanced by the Energy and Commerce Committee today and included in the Bipartisan Addiction and Mental Health Task Force’s 2021 Legislative Agenda, will support our health care workforce, ensuring that they feel cared for as they care for others.”


Kuster helped advance three overwhelmingly bipartisan bills she cosponsored, including:


Earlier this year, the Task Force released its 2021 Legislative Agenda, a comprehensive approach to address the dual addiction and mental health public health crises that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

