Press Releases

Kuster Statement on Reported Bipartisan Agreement on Healthcare Legislation in the Senate

**Kuster was part of first group of Democrats to propose commonsense solutions to address challenges with the Affordable Care Act**

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on reports that Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) have reached an agreement on bipartisan legislation that includes reinstating cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments. Kuster has been vocal about the need to maintain CSR payments to reduce volatility in the individual marketplace. Earlier this year, Kuster was part of the first group of Democratic House members to unveil a plan of commonsense solutions to improve the Affordable Care Act.

“I’ve long called for Republicans and Democrats to work together across the aisle to make commonsense improvements to the Affordable Care Act to stabilize the individual marketplace and rein in costs,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “The plan I helped unveil earlier this year contained numerous proposals including both a reinsurance program and funding for cost-sharing reduction payments to address cost issues. I’m encouraged that Senators Alexander and Murray are making progress in the Senate toward ensuring CSR payments move forward. This is an important step, and I stand ready to work in a bipartisan manner in the House to improve healthcare for all Granite Staters and Americans.”
