Press Releases

Kuster Discusses Peterborough Watermain Relocation Project with Town Officials

**Rep. Kuster secured funding for 10 Community Projects in New Hampshire’s Second District in the 2022 government spending package, the maximum possible**

**The Peterborough water system services over 4,000 customers per day, delivering 170,000,000 gallons of water annually**


Peterborough, N.H. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined local leaders in Peterborough to discuss the town’s watermain relocation project which Kuster secured $277,804 for in the 2022 government funding package. These federal resources are helping to repair and relocate the town's water distribution system and reduce the service interruptions that are frequently experienced by water users. 


“Water infrastructure is vital for the sustainability of all our Granite State towns and communities, including right here in Peterborough,” said Rep. Kuster. “I was proud to secure federal resources for this long-needed project to relocate Peterborough’s watermain and bolster the town’s water system. This project is not only important for the basic needs of residents and businesses but also for emergency services. I look forward to seeing this upgrade finally completed to ensure that Peterborough's water system remains affordable and effective.”


“Underground utilities are often overlooked pieces of infrastructure in communities, and costly to maintain or replace,” said Nicole MacStay, Peterborough Town Administrator. “When the full cost of this maintenance work falls to the ratepayers, it results in burdensome increases to the cost of water, especially in small communities like Peterborough. The Town of Peterborough is incredibly grateful for Congresswoman Kuster’s advocacy and work to bring financial support to this critical project. The watermain relocation at the Route 101 and 202 bridge will help the town minimize service interruptions in South Peterborough and provide adequate water pressure in case of a fire emergency.”


Under the Community Project Funding Request process for the 117th Congress, which was included in the bipartisan omnibus package, Rep. Annie Kuster secured resources for 10 Community Projects in the Second District.

