Press Releases

Kuster Votes For Common-Sense Legislation to Prevent Gun Violence

**Tomorrow, the House is expected to pass additional legislation, the Federal Extreme Risk Protection Order Act, to address the epidemic of gun violence in our nation**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted for life-saving gun violence prevention legislation she co-sponsored, the Protecting Our Kids Act, to stop more senseless tragedies from taking the lives of more Americans.


“Guns are the number one killer of children in America — more than car accidents or cancer — yet still, Congressional Republicans have refused to take common-sense steps to save lives and prevent senseless tragedies in our schools, grocery stores, and places of worship,” said Rep. Kuster. “We can and must prevent gun violence while protecting the rights of responsible gun owners. Parents have a right to send their kids to school and know that they will come home safe. Thoughts and prayers are meaningless if they are not accompanied by action. Every Member of Congress has a responsibility to protect the Americans they represent. I am proud to support this comprehensive slate of gun violence prevention measures, and I urge my colleagues in the Senate to advance this legislation to save lives.”


The Protecting Our Kids Act, which Rep. Kuster co-sponsored, would:

  • Raise the purchasing age for semi-automatic weapons from 18 to 21 years old;
  • Crack down on gun trafficking and straw purchases to get illegal guns off of our streets;
  • Subject ghost gun purchases to background check requirements;
  • Strengthen safe storage requirements to protect children from accidental shootings;
  • Close the bump stock loophole to ban these deadly tools from civilian use;
  • Outlaw high-capacity magazines, which are designed for killing en masse and have been the accessory of choice in the bloodiest mass shootings; and
  • Require an annual report of demographic data of those being determined to be ineligible to purchase guns.

