Press Releases

Kuster Works To Address Rural Health Care Staffing Shortage

**Kuster’s full letter is available HERE**


Washington, D.C. — Last week, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) led a group of her Republican and Democratic colleagues in calling on the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC) to expand the recruitment of doctors to rural New Hampshire communities to address the physician staffing shortage. Specifically, Kuster urged the NBRC to implement a J-1 visa waiver program that would allow non-domestic physicians trained in the U.S. to work in high-need or medically underserved areas within the NBRC’s jurisdiction.


“As the NBRC continues to strategically plan to meet the evolving needs of our Northern Border communities, we urge you to develop and administer programs to address staffing shortages of medical professionals in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York,” the Members wrote. “As you know, our communities are currently facing significant challenges in the recruitment and retention of qualified physicians and healthcare personnel.”


“To address these workforce challenges, the NBRC should use its existing authority to implement a J-1 visa waiver program for U.S.-trained physicians,” the Members continued. “This would allow non-domestic physicians trained in the United States to work in health professional shortage areas or medically underserved areas for three years. These physicians will provide critical medical services in rural areas of our states currently suffering from physician staffing shortages.”


Established in 2008, the NBRC is a federal-state partnership for economic and community development in New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and New York. Rural regions in these states have benefitted from NBRC investments that have helped to develop public infrastructure, promote tourism, assist in job training activities, and promote the use of renewable energy sources in communities that have historically struggled to attract public and private investment.


The full letter is available here.

