Press Releases

Kuster’s Legislation To Protect Survivors of Domestic Abuse Signed Into Law

**Founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence, Congresswoman Kuster is leading the charge to hold domestic abusers accountable and support survivors**


Washington, D.C. — Today, President Joe Biden signed Rep. Annie Kuster’s (NH-02) bipartisan legislation, the Safe Connections Act, into law to protect survivors of domestic abuse and violence. This new law will help survivors of domestic violence and other crimes cut ties with their abusers by separating from shared wireless service plans, which can be exploited to monitor, stalk, or control victims. Companion legislation was introduced in the Senate by Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Deb Fischer (R-NE).


“The signing of my bipartisan legislation into law represents a meaningful step forward in supporting and protecting individuals who are facing domestic abuse and violence,” said Rep. Kuster, founder and co-chair of the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence. “This law eliminates barriers facing survivors and provides a clear template for them to leave a shared phone plan with their abuser and access financial assistance as they get their expenses in order. I look forward to seeing this law take effect and will continue working to ensure survivors have the tools and support they need to rebuild their lives and recover.”


“This legislation will make a real difference in the lives of survivors trying to separate from their abusers here in New Hampshire and across the country,” said Amanda Grady Sexton, Director of Public Affairs for NHCADSV. “Far too often, abusers will use shared phone lines to manipulate and intimidate their victims – thanks to Congresswoman Kuster, victims now have a clear path to separating their phone service.”


The Safe Connections Act seeks to help survivors protect themselves by:

  • Allowing survivors to separate a mobile phone line from any shared plan involving an abuser without penalties or other requirements. This includes lines of any dependents in their care;
  • Requiring the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to initiate a rulemaking proceeding to seek comment on how to help survivors who separate from a shared plan enroll in the Lifeline Program for up to six months as they become financially stable; and
  • Requiring the FCC to establish rules that would ensure any calls or texts to hotlines do not appear on call logs
