Press Releases

House Passes Kuster-Led Provisions in National Defense Authorization Act

**This is the 62nd consecutive year that Congress will enact this must-pass legislation, doing so on a bipartisan, bicameral basis**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for FY 2023. This bill serves as the foundation of our national security policy and includes key Kuster-led provisions to help expand access to mental health resources for veterans, conduct fair and thorough investigations of sexual assault cases, and increase the safety and capacity of our nation’s hydropower dams.


“The annual National Defense Authorization Act is an opportunity for Republicans and Democrats to work together to support our men and women in uniform and strengthen our common defense against the greatest threats facing the United States,” said Rep. Kuster. “The legislation passed by the House today takes bold steps to support service members and their families, establish American energy independence, and reinforce our international alliances during a critical moment for democracies worldwide.”


“This legislation will help to keep Americans safe and ensure our continued strength on the world stage,” Kuster continued. “I was proud that the final bill included provisions to move investigations of sexual harassment outside of the chain of the command to ensure a fair process for survivors, as well as my legislation to expedite the retrofitting of existing dams to strengthen our water and energy infrastructure.”


Key wins in this year’s NDAA for New Hampshire include:

  • Work to ensure veterans can access the mental health services they need within TRICARE.
  • Require independently trained investigators outside the chain of command to investigate sexual harassment.
  • Strengthen our national water and energy infrastructure by expediting the retrofitting of existing non-power dams for hydropower and increasing capacity at existing hydropower dams. 
  • 4.6% pay raise for servicemembers to help ease the impact of inflation. This bill also empowers the Pentagon to raise the basic housing allowance, bring down food prices by directing more funding to commissaries, and expand support for child care.
  • Ensure servicemembers are able to travel to access legal abortion if they are stationed in a state that criminalizes reproductive care.
  • Support our growing domestic semiconductor industry by requiring government contractors to use exclusive semiconductor chips that were made in America. 
  • Invest in clean energy and energy efficiency at DoD by harnessing solar and electric technologies to ensure that our defense facilities and vehicle fleets are resilient to climate disasters and energy disruptions.
  • Promote American leadership in the global arena by delivering more than $11 billion in funding for the Pacific Deterrence Initiative, more than $6 billion for the European Deterrence Initiative, and an additional $800 million in funding for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.

