Press Releases

NH Delegation Welcomes Nearly $500K Headed to Support Trauma-Informed Care in Southern NH

(Washington, DC) -- Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), along with U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH), and Congressman Chris Pappas (NH-01), announced that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded  $499,277 to Lamprey Health Care to support their Southern NH Area Health Education Center (AHEC) program.

This funding will be allocated towards AHEC’s programming around children and caregivers that have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences, as well as expand access to interventions and trauma-informed care.

“Every Granite Stater deserves access to high-quality, comprehensive health care – that includes substance use disorder treatment and trauma-informed care,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “I am thrilled to see these funds heading to New Hampshire to ensure children and families have the tools and support they need to recover and thrive.”

“As communities across New Hampshire continue to be impacted by the substance use disorder epidemic, it’s important that Granite State families have access to trauma-informed care and support. That’s why I’m glad to see these federal funds heading to Lamprey’s Southern NH Area Health Education Center (AHEC) program,” said Senator Shaheen. “Investing in programs like AHEC geared towards trauma-informed care, especially for impacted children and families, is critical as we combat this epidemic. Through my senior position on the Senate Appropriations Committee, I’ll continue advocating for funding on behalf of programs like AHEC that expand access to care for children and families exposed to trauma.”

“Far too many young people in New Hampshire have been impacted by the opioid crisis, from the devastating loss of a parent who overdosed to seeing a loved one struggle to stay in recovery. Trauma-informed care is a critical resource for these children and families,” said Senator Hassan. “This federal funding will help Lamprey Health Care further support New Hampshire children and caregivers, which is especially important as we continue to see high overdose deaths across our state. I will continue to work to combat the opioid epidemic and help children get the support that they need.”

“It’s critical we continue to expand access to health care and ensure providers have the resources to meet the needs of their communities,” said Congressman Pappas. “I’m pleased to see this funding headed to Lamprey Health Care to support their efforts to provide trauma-informed care to children and families in New Hampshire, and I will keep working to secure funding that supports our health care staff and increases resources available for Granite Staters in need.”

Shaheen has led efforts in Congress to combat the substance use disorder epidemic and support affected families.  As a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Shaheen also fought to secure $750,000 for the enhancement of ACERT infrastructure and training resources for law enforcement and first responders in the fiscal year (FY) 2022 funding legislation that was signed into law. Shaheen previously introduced the National ACERT Grant Program Authorization Act, which would provide federal resources for communities to address adverse childhood experiences associated with exposure to trauma.
