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WMUR: Kuster to attend roundtable on climate change in Nashua

Kuster to attend roundtable on climate change in Nashua

Rep. Annie Kuster, D-NH, will be among political leaders and scientists attending a roundtable on climate change in Nashua on Monday.

NASHUA, N.H. —Rep. Annie Kuster, D-NH, will be among political leaders and scientists attending a roundtable on climate change in Nashua on Monday.

Entitled Communities on Climate at Nashua City Hall at 10 a.m., the event will outline infrastructure improvements needed to deal with the effects of climate change and what there is in new investments in clean energy and energy efficiency.

Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation, Union of Concerned Scientists and Environment NH, partners in the “I Will #ActOnClimate” campaign, will host the event.

The panel is expected to discuss the local and national impacts of climate change and highlight key components of state and federal climate change action plans that will benefit Nashua and the state during a roundtable discussion Monday at the Nashua City Hall.

Moderated by David Brooks, the event is free and open to the public.