Catching Up with Annie

Spring 2024 Photo Contest

  • 2024 Spring Photo Contest

Dear friend,

Do you live in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District and enjoy photography? If so, I invite you to submit up to three of your favorite spring photos to my 2024 Spring Photo Contest to highlight the Granite State's natural beauty!

From now through Friday, May 3rd at 11:59 PM, my office is accepting submissions of images/scenery in the Second Congressional District.

Photos should be taken outdoors of summer scenery in the Second District and can be submitted to Along with your submission, you should include your first and last name, city or town, your photo(s) location, and any other relevant information (check the rules below to make sure you don’t miss anything). Starting Monday, May 6th, 2024, the submissions will be posted on my Facebook page, where you will be able to vote! Winners will be determined based on the number of engagements on Facebook – including shares, likes, and comments. Voting will conclude on Monday, May 13th.

Once all of the photo submissions are posted on my Facebook page, you are welcome to share your photo(s) with family, friends, and neighbors. The first-place photograph will be featured as my Facebook cover photo for one week, and photos in second and third place will be announced and posted on my Facebook page. The top three photos will also be featured in my weekly newsletter.


  • Photo files must be in one of the following formats: .jpg or .png. and submissions are limited to three photos.

  • Photos must be submitted to along with:

    •  Your first and last name (your last name will not be posted with your photo or made public)

    • The city or town you live in

    • Your age (optional)

    •  A description of your photo(s), including the location

    • Any other details you would like to provide

  •  Participants must consider themselves amateur photographers or up-and-coming photographers.

  • Participants must be residents of New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District.

  • Photos must be taken recently of scenery in New Hampshire’s Second District.

  • Submissions are due by Friday, May 3rd at 11:59 PM


  • Winners will be determined by the number of Facebook engagements – cumulative likes, shares, and reactions.

  • Winners will be announced on Monday, May 13th, 2024.

  • By submitting your photo(s), you are authorizing the office of U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute the photo(s).

  • The Congresswoman’s office reserves the right to disqualify any submissions that go against the spirit of fairness, including the purchase of likes, creation of fake/bot accounts, disparagement of other entries, submitting work that is not your own, etc.