Press Releases

Kuster Releases Statement Ahead of Labor Day


Concord, N.H. – Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement ahead of Labor Day:


“Labor Day is a time to recognize and honor the incredible contributions of American workers and the labor movement. From establishing the 40-hour work week to strengthening child labor laws and workplace safety standards, the labor movement has played a vital role in enshrining the benefits and protections hardworking families have earned and deserve. 


“While we reflect on all that we have accomplished for American workers, we must also recommit ourselves to the work that lies ahead. I am proud to stand with our labor brothers and sisters as we expand and protect these hard-fought benefits for future generations. 


“We owe it to our workforce – the backbone of our economy – to continue fighting for better working conditions, fair wages, and more support so every family can thrive.”

