Press Releases

New Dems: President Biden’s Budget Delivers for American Families While Decreasing Our Federal Deficit

President Biden’s Budget reflects New Dem efforts to lower costs, expand access to health care and affordable housing, surge resources to the southern border, and more.


Washington, D.C. — Today, New Democrat Coalition Chair Annie Kuster (NH-02), Economic Growth and Fiscal Responsibility Task Force Chair Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06), and Vice Chair Nikema Williams (GA-05) issued a statement following the release of President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget:


“With the release of his FY2025 budget, President Biden laid out a fiscal future driven by a commitment to economic freedom, fairness, and opportunity for the American people.


“The President’s budget would not only lower costs for prescription drugs, child care, and housing, protect Social Security and Medicare, and invest in clean energy to cut energy costs, but would also reduce the federal deficit by $3 trillion over the next 10 years without raising taxes on the middle class.


“Meanwhile, House Republicans continue to double down on devastating cuts to federal programs that would harm hardworking families and Main Street businesses, give tax breaks to the wealthiest households and corporations at the expense of hardworking Americans, and actually increase the federal deficit. Their repeated threats to default on our deficit or shut down the government reveal that they’d rather advance their far-right agenda than provide economic certainty and stability.


“Democrats and President Biden know that we don’t have to choose between a balanced, fiscally responsible budget and lowering costs for hardworking Americans. We can – and must – do both.”




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