Press Releases

Kuster Leads Push for Bipartisan Budget Talks

Calls on House leadership to join new Representatives in forging bipartisan solutions

Reinforcing her commitment to finding common sense solutions to our nation’s fiscal challenges, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) is leading a bipartisan group of new Representatives in urging House leadership to meet with the freshman class to discuss their vision for the federal budget.

Reinforcing her commitment to finding common sense solutions to our nation’s fiscal challenges, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) is leading a bipartisan group of new Representatives in urging House leadership to meet with the freshman class to discuss their vision for the federal budget.

In a letter to Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, Minority Leader Pelosi, and Democratic Whip Hoyer, the group said that the freshman class has a critical role to play in bridging the divide between the parties and forging united solutions. 

“Republican and Democrat alike, we were sent to Congress by voters frustrated with partisan gridlock and dysfunction,” the group wrote. “The people we represent demand and deserve better from their government, and we are committed to focusing on those areas of agreement that unite us—not refighting the same battles that have consumed the Congress in years past.”

“Regardless of home state or party affiliation, we all share a focus on promoting economic growth, cutting spending, eliminating waste, streamlining government, reforming our tax code, reducing the cost of healthcare, and preserving Medicare and Social Security. Perhaps most importantly, we hold a common commitment to working with members of both parties to realize these goals.”

Kuster and Republican Congressman David Joyce (OH-14) said they hoped their letter would send a message to House leadership that their new class is committed to bipartisan problem-solving.

“The people we represent don’t expect Republicans and Democrats to agree on every issue, but they do expect us to compromise and find common ground where we can,” Kuster and Joyce said. “We’re sending a clear message to House leadership that we are committed to bridging the divide between parties and finding responsible solutions to our nation’s fiscal challenges. No more government by crisis and gridlock – just a commitment to working together to deliver results for the people we represent.”

Kuster has consistently called for a balanced plan to reduce the deficit, grow the economy, and help create jobs – while protecting seniors and middle class families. In February, Kuster helped establish the United Solutions Caucus, a coalition of Republican and Democratic new Representatives focused on resolving our nation’s fiscal challenges in a common sense, bipartisan way.

The full text of the group’s letter is below.

Dear Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor, Leader Pelosi, and Whip Hoyer:

As newly elected Representatives committed to finding bipartisan solutions to our country’s serious fiscal challenges, we write to request that you meet with our freshman class to discuss our shared vision for the federal budget.  We are hopeful that the Senate and House of Representatives will agree to a budget resolution for fiscal year 2014, and we believe our voices—and those of our constituents—must be heard during this important process. 

As you know, the freshman class constitutes nearly a fifth of the House of Representatives.  In addition to sheer numbers, we bring to the table fresh perspectives and a genuine desire to find common ground.  Republican and Democrat alike, we were sent to Congress by voters frustrated with partisan gridlock and dysfunction.  The people we represent demand and deserve better from their government, and we are committed to focusing on those areas of agreement that unite us—not refighting the same battles that have consumed the Congress in years past.

Like our constituents, we are all deeply troubled by the fiscal trajectory of our country.  Regardless of home state or party affiliation, we all share a focus on promoting economic growth, cutting spending, eliminating waste, streamlining government, reforming our tax code, reducing the cost of healthcare, and preserving Medicare and Social Security.  Perhaps most importantly, we hold a common commitment to working with members of both parties to realize these goals.

It is long past time for Republicans and Democrats to come together and negotiate a responsible compromise to address our fiscal challenges, and we believe the freshman class has a critical role to play in bridging the divide between the parties and forging united solutions.  Again, we request that you join us at the negotiating table and give us the opportunity to help Congress delivering serious, bipartisan results for the American people.  Thank you for your consideration.


Press Contact:
Rob Friedlander, (202) 225-5206