Press Releases

Kuster Honored as “New Englander of the Year” by the New England Council

Boston, MA — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) was honored as a “New Englander of the Year” by the New England Council. Throughout her six terms in Congress, Kuster has worked closely with the New England Council to bring New England voices and values to Washington. The Council presents the “New Englander of the Year” Award each fall at its Annual Celebration in Boston, an event that has drawn over 1,700 guests from throughout the region in recent years. 

The New England Council is a nonpartisan alliance of business, academic, and health institutions that promotes economic growth across New England and is the country’s oldest regional business organization. Kuster has worked closely with the New England Council to advance commonsense, bipartisan solutions to support New England families, create good-paying jobs, and boost economic opportunity throughout the New England region.

Kuster’s full remarks are printed below.

Good evening, everybody! 

What a tremendous honor it is to be recognized as a “New Englander of the Year!”

Serving the people of New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District over the past 12 years has been the honor of my lifetime, and it has been my privilege working with the New England Council to ensure that New Hampshire and New England have a seat at the table in Washington.

Growing up, my parents instilled in me the importance of public service and practicing what my team calls “radical hospitality”—going above and beyond to make those around you feel welcome, heard, and supported.

These values guided me for 25 years as an attorney at Rath and Young law firm, a community leader, a spouse, and a parent to two fine young men, and eventually led me to public service and my election to Congress.

When I was first elected in 2012, I promised to bring a new approach to Washington, bringing people together to get the job done and delivering real results for hardworking New Hampshire families. 

I am proud of our record. 

Today, in Washington, it can feel like our differences are too great and that nothing can bridge the gap.

But I know that there is so much more that unites us than divides us.

Our government works best when Republicans and Democrats come together to find bipartisan solutions. 

I have seen firsthand what is possible when we set aside our differences and focus on what we have in common.

From working to end the addiction and mental health crisis facing our communities to boosting clean energy and tackling climate change, I know that through honest conversations and respectful debate, we can come together, lower the temperature, and improve the lives of our children and grandchildren. 

We may not always agree on the fine print, but we’ve always found a way to advance meaningful solutions to meet the moment.

I currently serve as the Chair of the New Democrat Coalition, a group of 100 center-left, pragmatic House Democrats working to break through the partisan gridlock and tackle big challenges.

[The New Democrat Coalition] has been at the table, ready and willing to work across the aisle to get the job done—we are the “Can Do Caucus.”

This Congress, we have made headway on issues from increasing access to lower-cost health care and extending telehealth services to enacting permitting reform and investing in clean energy, infrastructure, and U.S. manufacturing. 

With the chaos in House Republican leadership, it hasn’t always been easy. 

Last year, [the New Democrat Coalition] played a critical role in the debt ceiling negotiations to prevent a devastating default and worldwide economic collapse.

[The New Democrat Coalition] provided the votes to keep the government from shutting down not once but twice, and we will do it again this week!

Many of these bills and votes weren’t perfect, and neither party got everything they wanted. 

But the American people look to Congress to lead by example and solve the toughest challenges facing our country—and that is exactly what I have proudly encouraged my colleagues to do every single day.

Stepping into this leadership role as Chair of New Dems has been rewarding, but more than anything, it has been inspiring.

I am filled with hope and optimism about the future of New England and our country. 

I’m inspired every day by Governor Maura Healey, my good friend Lori Trahan, and my roommate and our next House Majority Leader Katherine Clark.

Part of playing on a team and being a leader also means knowing when it is time to pass the baton.

Over the past 12 years, I am honored to have mentored dozens of bright and talented young lawmakers.

Their dedication and commitment to their constituents, to our democracy, and to our country reaffirm my decision to pass the torch to the next generation of leaders.

Our work is not done, and I hope to continue on this journey with you, albeit in another role next year.

There are many challenges still facing New England and the rest of the country.

From increasing access to affordable housing and child care to equipping our workforce with the skills they will need to succeed in the 21st-century economy, Republicans and Democrats will need to come together to deliver real results to ensure our families, businesses, and communities can thrive and succeed.

As I look to the future, I am excited by the work and opportunities that lie ahead. 

We all have a role to play in standing up for what we believe in, advocating for a better future, and pursuing the change we want to see. 

Be bold. Be brave. Be kind. 

Your voice matters. Your vote counts. Choose wisely on November 5th.

Thank you for this incredible honor and for a memorable evening.
