Catching Up with Annie

Protecting access to the ballot

Dear Friend, 

Today, I voted in favor of H.R. 1, the For the People Act. I’ve heard from Granite Staters that they are tired of business as usual in Washington, and this legislation is an important step to put the power of government back into the hands of the people.  

In my role on the Democracy Reform Task Force, I helped develop this legislation, which will aid in getting dark money out of politics, increase accountability for elected officials, and protect access to the ballot for all Americans. These reforms are necessary so that the American people know that we are putting their best interests first. I’m committed to fighting for all Granite State families by lowering the costs of healthcare and prescription drugs, growing an economy where everyone can get ahead, and protecting our environment for future generations. These will be our priorities as we reshape government so that it is truly working for the people.

Remember, democracy is not a spectator sport. I encourage you to reach out to my office to share any thoughts, ideas or concerns you have—I love hearing from you! Thank you for your contributions to our great state, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
