Catching Up with Annie

Tele-Town Hall on Coronavirus - Tomorrow, March 10

Dear Friend,

Tomorrow, March 10th at 5:00 PM, Congressman Chris Pappas and I will hold a telephone town hall to discuss coronavirus and provide an update to New Hampshire residents. Rep. Pappas and I will be joined by Dr. Benjamin Chan, State Epidemiologist for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (NH-DHHS), and Beth Daly, Chief of the Bureau of Infectious Disease Control at NH-DHHS. 

This tele-town hall will give Granite Staters a chance to ask questions and hear directly from Rep. Pappas, myself and DHHS officials about concerns regarding coronavirus in New Hampshire. To participate in this telephone town hall, call (866) 478-3366 at 5:00 PM tomorrow, March 10th. 
