Catching Up with Annie

Keeping you safe

Dear Friend, 

Combating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

On Tuesday, the House unanimously passed H.R. 1618, the Zachary and Nicholas Burt Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act, bipartisan legislation that I introduced with my colleague, Representative Earl L. “Buddy” Carter. This legislation would create a new grant program to install carbon monoxide alarms in the homes of elderly and low-income individuals, as well as schools and other public facilities. As a mother, I know there is nothing more important than keeping our children and loved ones safe. This legislation will help save lives by combating deadly yet entirely preventable carbon monoxide poisoning. I’m thrilled to see this commonsense measure pass the House and I urge the Senate to bring it swiftly to a vote and protect our most vulnerable citizens. 

Speaking on the House Floor about H.R. 1618. Watch here.

Lowering Prescription Drug Costs 

As a member of the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee, I’m excited to work on the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, which was introduced yesterday. I continue to hear from Granite Staters who are anxious and worried about being able to afford their medications as the cost of prescription drugs continues to rise. This legislation is part of our commitment to making drugs more affordable. No American should be forced to make the impossible choice between medications they need and necessities like groceries or rent. I’m proud to support this commonsense and much-needed legislation, and I will continue my efforts to ensure all Americans can access quality, affordable health care.

Honoring Christa McAuliffe

After working hard for months to garner support from my colleagues, I was thrilled that the House passed the Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act of 2019, which I introduced with Congressman Chris Pappas and Congressman Fred Upton earlier this year. Christa touched the lives of so many in New Hampshire and she continues to inspire students nationwide. Granite Staters will never forget her intelligence, charm, and kindness towards those around her. This coin will forever be a powerful testament to her enduring legacy, and it will further cement her place in American history for generations to come.

Speaking about the Christa McAuliffe Coin Act. Watch here.

Curbing the Opioid Epidemic

The Granite State is no stranger to the devastating effects of the opioid epidemic. Now, as our nation faces the third wave of this epidemic brought on by fentanyl and other synthetic drugs, Congress must take every step possible to prevent further tragedy in New Hampshire and communities nationwide. I recently sat down with author Ben Westhoff to discuss his research into the third wave of the opioid epidemic and what we can do to address it. I will continue my work on the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force to fight this crisis and help move our country forward.

Discussing the Opioid Crisis on C-SPAN Book TV. Watch here.

Ensuring No Veteran is Left Behind

This year, I was proud to join my colleagues in helping to pass legislation to better serve our veterans seeking care after returning home. I was thrilled to see the House Committee on Veterans Affairs reauthorize the Women’s Veteran Task Force through 2020 this week so we may continue our work to expand health care and increase visibility for our women veterans.

As our veteran community welcomes more women into its ranks than ever before, we must take every step possible to ensure that these brave service members receive the care they need to heal from invisible wounds sustained while serving our nation. Women are the fastest growing demographic among veterans, and those who have served are nearly twice as likely to commit suicide than civilian women. We must take every step possible to ensure that no one is left behind. 

Here For You

I encourage you to continue reaching out to my office with any questions, concerns or ideas you have – I love hearing from you! Thank you for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family. Have a great weekend!
