Investing in Education

Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. That’s why it is so important we invest in the education of our children and expand access to new opportunities. 

I am proud to advocate for New Hampshire students, teachers, and schools to ensure they have the support they need to thrive. From expanding early childhood education to ensuring no child goes hungry to lowering the cost of higher education and strengthening career and technical education, there is so much more we can do to support our education system and change it for the better.

Expanding early childhood education. Rising childcare costs are placing a strain on New Hampshire families. By expanding access to high-quality, affordable early childhood education, we can support families, put students on a path to success, and level the playing field. A win-win for our state and our future.

Ensuring no child goes hungry. No child can learn when they are hungry. That’s why I strongly advocate for universal school meals to support our most vulnerable neighbors and ensure all students have the nutrition they need to grow, learn, and thrive.

Lowering the cost of higher education. For too many Granite Staters, the cost of higher education is a barrier to their desired career. Thousands of families are weighed down by burdensome student loans decades after leaving school. That’s not right — we need to lower the cost of higher education and eliminate the barriers that stop students from pursuing their dreams.

Strengthening workforce training. Students shouldn’t feel like they must pursue a four-year college degree to lead a successful career. We must strengthen career and technical education and apprenticeship programs to ensure students can learn the real-life skills they need to thrive.