Press Releases

Kuster Backs Legislation to Fight Climate Change, Reduce Carbon Pollution

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) co-sponsored the Climate Action Now Act, which would require the Trump Administration to remain in the Paris Climate Accord and to establish a plan for how the United States will meet its commitment to reduce pollution. Kuster has been vocal about the need to address climate change and has pushed back against the decision by President Trump to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord.

“We know that climate change poses real environmental and economic threats to New Hampshire and the rest of the country,” said Rep. Kuster.  “We cannot allow the Trump Administration to undermine the Granite State’s ability to take on one of the most daunting challenges of our time. We’ve seen communities, towns, and cities throughout New Hampshire step up to reduce carbon pollution and it’s time for Congress to affirm its commitment to protecting our environment for future generations. Americans elected a Congress that will take action on climate change and the time to act is now.”

The Climate Action Now Act would prohibit any federal funds from being used to take any action to advance the withdrawal of the U.S. from the landmark Paris Agreement. It also calls on the President to develop and make public a plan for how the United States will meet its commitment to reduce pollution. 
