Press Releases

Kuster Unveils Clean Energy Agenda

Kuster’s Clean Energy Agenda focuses on policy proposals to promote investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, and more.

High resolution photos from today’s event are available here.

Hanover, N.H. – Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) unveiled her Clean Energy Agenda and held a roundtable discussion with environment and energy policy experts. Kuster’s Clean Energy Agenda consists of legislation she has led and that she is supporting to address climate change and transition to a clean energy economy.

“We cannot fight climate change without building a clean, energy efficient economy,” said Rep. Kuster. “I am proud to support legislation that will secure America’s path toward a sustainable future. My Agenda has been shaped by my conversations with energy experts and community leaders across New Hampshire. Additionally, many of the bills in my agenda welcome bipartisan support and demonstrate specific actions that Congress can take this year to reduce carbon pollution and mitigate climate change. I look forward to my continued work to improve public health, strengthen our economy with green jobs, and protect the natural beauty we are so lucky to have in the Granite State.”

"With the release of this comprehensive clean energy agenda, Congresswoman Kuster continues to demonstrate strong leadership in building a clean energy economy that will create opportunity and jobs while protecting our environment and meeting the challenge of climate change," said Rob Werner, New Hampshire State Director of the League of Conservation Voters.

“Representative Kuster's Clean Energy Agenda aligns with AMC's organizational commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and achieving Net Zero emissions no later than 2050. We believe natural climate solutions such as land conservation, keeping forests as forests, and considering carbon when managing our landscapes, are critical to mitigating the climate crisis and creating a more climate resilient landscape for the future. Permanent funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund will help ensure these steps are part of the solution. We commend and thank Representative Kuster for her leadership on LWCF,” said Susan Arnold, Vice President for Conservation at Appalachian Mountain Club.

“Tackling climate change is one of The Nature Conservancy’s top priorities. The Conservancy strives to find solutions that are bipartisan and provide benefits to businesses and to the health and welfare of our communities. We applaud Representative Kuster for putting together an ambitious Clean Energy Agenda that offers a comprehensive strategy to transition to a clean energy future,” said Bruce Clendenning, Energy Policy Manager, The Nature Conservancy in New Hampshire.

Kuster’s Clean Energy Agenda explores the Congresswoman’s work in Congress to promote investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, environmental protection and protecting public lands, clean energy jobs, and national security and global action. The agenda can be viewed here.
